

  • Is there any minimum order price?

    In order to make your experience better, we don't have any price limitations for a uniqe order.

  • Can I order more than one item at once?

    Sure, just make sure to add all of the products to your cart and after that proceed to checkout. 

  • Details about the shipping.

    In Yerevan, you'll get your order within a day (for all the orders confirmed before 17:00 you'll get on the same day, orders confirmed after the mentioned time, will be shipped next day). The shipping costs 500 AMD.

    For all the other regions the delivery usually takes 1-2 business days for the order to be shipped. The delivery costs 1500 AMD.


  • How can I return a product?

    You can return the product within the 14 days after the purchase if the printed receipt is available. 

    Please note, that the delivery fee won't be returned. 

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